DSL – damnsmalllinux.org – F5 BIG IP Webservers

While doing the F5 training a couple of months ago, I used Ubuntu with LAMP/XAMPP to have, in a Virtual ESXI Lab, WebServers to use.

I decided to write this post cause yesterday I created an .ova file for someone else to do the F5 training, but this time, with a distro that consumes very low resources… And also because eventually I will have to review F5 topics ..


Damn Small Linux

I added PHP to Monkeyweb following this post and inserted the following script that will show the real IP address while connecting to the VIP from F5:

<title> IP Address Verification by #46666 </title>
<?php echo $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’]; ?>

Just access the http://ip-of-server/jc.php to see it.


Ova File to import in ESXi/Player: here